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About Us

Main Activities of VYASA – Kolkata

We Have 25 years of Experience.

Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samasthana (VYASA) is a registered charitable institution promoting yoga as a scientifically relevant discipline with broad social impact. Its headquarters are situated at Prashanti Kuteeram in Bangalore.

The fundamental objective of VYASA is to integrate the wisdom of Eastern traditions, encompassing yoga and spiritual knowledge, with the advancements of the Western world, particularly modern scientific research. This fusion serves as the foundation for their initiatives, including conducting yoga therapy classes for all demographics, advanced yoga training, and short-term and long-term courses on yoga and related subjects.

Embracing the teachings of Swami Vivekananda, VYASA emphasizes the convergence of the four streams of yoga, highlighting the unity within their diverse approaches. This unified approach reflects the essence of Indian culture. Furthermore, VYASA advocates for the application of yoga to promote health, harmony, and peace on a global scale.